
Motorcycle Girl: A Movie Review!

Motorcycle Girl | A Movie Review

I’m just so proud of everyone who is involved in the Pakistani Movie Industry!

With every passing movie I realize what a blessing a thriving local film industry is. The way you relate with the

characters, the stories, the backgrounds, the dialogues, it’s amazing to be able to oh so understand what’s happening

to the core.

And then movies like motor cycle girl come along!

So passionate, so full of enthusiasm and honesty. A truly

remarkable feat of movie making.

It makes you even prouder! Hey we are after all just reviving


Motor cycle girl. Not just a movie but a journey. The journey of not just one twenty one year old but thousands of

twenty somethings who are looking for their identity and truly trying to understand their position in the larger

scheme of things.

To add to it we know that this movie is based on a true story and then the entire thing takes on another meaning all

together. This isn’t a story about empowerment of one girl. It is the story of a cultural empowerment that we are

living through now.

Sohai Ali Abroo has truly captured the essence of a torn young

woman living in a metropolis of Pakistan seeking herself and an identity

more than anything else. She has breathed life into a role that was

already larger than life and has done true justice to it.

Her vulnerability shines through her every gesture. From her body

language to her gouche mannerism to her expressions, she delivered a flawless performance.

has shown us how beautiful Pakistan is. And how rich we are in terms of heritage and bravery and culture.

He has shown us the people who are breaking the barriers of these constraints which have nothing to do with

religion and the acceptability that comes after the initial hesitation. 

Not only has he subtly brought all this to the forefront within a

film so visually beautiful, he has also done a wonderful job of

spearing the movie through a double timeline. Even directors in

industries as established as Hollywood sometimes screw up on

this one real bad but Adnan smoothly transitioned between the

two impressively.

When the first transition hit 15 minutes into the movie I was distressed because I thought he won’t be able to carry it

but oh boy he proved me wrong! Excellent job, especially the fact that we saw no unnatural naach gaana or

unnecessary flashes of glamour.

Just a small blip in my opinion and that was a little too much preaching at the end of the movie. It really wasn’t

required because the movie itself delivered its message in

an extremely powerful way. It didn’t need to deliver a

lecture. But apart from that. A perfect rendition of a

biographical adventure! Well done.


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MotorcycleGirl | MovieReview | SohaiAliAbroo | PakistaniFilmIndustry | PakistaniShowbiz | Showbiz | Desi | DesiMovies | Reviews | Pakistani | DesiScenes | Movies

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  • Reply Zarrar Khan April 27, 2018 at 9:17 AM

    Very well written. I must say your blog is very informative filled with material which is jolly good to read.

    • Reply tvinkal April 28, 2018 at 7:18 PM

      Thank you So much Zarrar!

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