
How to Deal with Heart Break

How to Deal with Heart Break

What a strange touchy topic this is…..

And yet each and every one of us has dealt with heart break at some time or the other in our lives.

It takes many forms and can be of so many varieties but the bottom line is that if your heart is broken because you loved someone; be it a parent, a kid, a spouse or a significant other and then you lose them one way or the other, it becomes increasingly difficult to deal with your emotional and mental state.

The path to healing is a long and difficult one. Sometimes the significance of the person in your life is such that they leave a hole in your soul that never heals but like almost every other loss the human spirit recuperates and moves beyond.

When faced with heart break what is most important is to realize the extent of your own wound. Is it a loss that is irredeemable like that of a significant other or a kid or is it a loss that can be put into perspective like that of a parent or a friend or a lover.

Once you are able to come to terms with the magnitude of your loss than giving into your grief is probably the best course of action. Trying to be strong and not to mourn your loss only makes life very tough and the term of the heartache longer.

Coming to grips with what your life will look like without that person and then taking the time to cry your grief out allows you to vent all the unhappiness bottled inside you. Slowly as your grief wears you out you can start coming to term with life without the beloved and start returning to the basic necessity of doing what is necessary to survive.

But while venting your grief it is extremely necessary to come to terms with whether the loss was beyond your control or whether it was a betrayal that needed to be forgotten as not putting your perspective to rights only prolongs the agony.




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  • Reply Dr. Muhammad Iqbal April 19, 2019 at 3:18 PM

    Excellent topic and very well stated. The contents of the issue very rightly highlighted.

    • Reply Jahanara Khan April 24, 2019 at 6:20 PM

      Thankyou Doc! Your encouragement is always welcome )

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