3 Tips on how to be instantly more Classy in a Social Situation!

It’s easy at first glance to confuse style with fashion sometimes or to trendy with classy.

But something’s are eternal and a classy woman will never go out of fashion.

Yeap I just wrote that!

While we should all endeavor to be her today I am jotting down three simple tips that will help you come across as more classy in a social situation immediately.


  • Make sure your cell phone ring tone isn’t absurd or overly loud. That’s a dead giveaway that you really aren’t very cultured. If possible keep your phone on silent during meetings, social gatherings or even meet ups. If you have kids at home or are expecting an important phone call put your phone out with the ringer volume toned down and inform the people you are with that you should be excused for this.


  • Be courteous to everyone around you especially the ones who are not privileged enough to be in your social strata. I can’t stress this enough. When you are rude to a waiter, shop attendant or even a beggar on the street you are essentially categorizing yourself as uncouth. Make sure you say please and thank you, possibly with a smile, to anyone who is assisting you publicly. Always remember if you are returning a product at a retail outlet the person taking your complaint is just an employee and not responsible for your loss. If someone around you is annoying you for a handout refuse politely and then ignore instead of shouting at them or delivering a lecture.


  • In a social situation never be critical or gossipy. You might be the focus of attention and people might enjoy the tidbit you are handing out but believe me they will return with the impression that you are indiscreet non trustworthy and certainly judgmental. Gossip just isn’t worth it.


Stay tuned for more of these tips!



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