
What to Do with your Kids during the Corona Lockdown

For mothers with school going kids the biggest question is how to keep them occupied while the schools are indefinitely off but Homework and assignments are still coming in?


No matter what we say this is different from summer vacations because we can’t take them to the malls or parks or to family for visits and then there is the extra burden of studies too.

Best way to go about it is

  • Keep the routine. This is most important. Let them wake up early like they are still in school and let them sleep early so you have a little breather too. If you want to have a slightly relaxed atmosphere than begin the day still early but with proper breakfasts and showers etc. but still a time close to their morning routine.
  • Make them study in the school hours. Whether it’s reading, writing, assignments or plain revision keep the school routine. If you will take an extra 30 minutes at night to make a morning schedule and plan what your kids need to study the next day you can easily handle studies and your household chores simultaneously. That half hour at night spent planning might sound tedious but will make your day less cumbersome.
  • This is a great time for instilling great habits like reading, creative writing, arts and crafts etc. one it will keep the kids occupied and two since the routine will be more flexible so these are great new hobbies to be formed.
  • Again it’s a great opportunity to start a shared project with your kids. Like painting a mural on the wall of the living room or their bedroom. If not a mural a joint canvas for painting or a reorganization of furniture can be done which are great learning and bonding activities with your kids.
  • This is also a great time for them to understand your duties as a mom if you have older kids. You can tell them that they will each spend a day being the mom on the weekend and doing the tasks that you do around the house daily. It’s a great way for your kids to learn respect for family, individuals and the hard work a parent puts in. best way is to let your sons play mom too!


I hope that some of my tips have been able to help you come up with better ways to keep your kids occupied and productive through these testing times. Let me know in the comments section below!



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