
3 Tips to Immediately Feel Better About Yourself!

Increasingly, I’m thinking… Nope…. No siree…. I matter too. What small seemingly unimportant additions can you add to your life starting now to instantly perk yourself up?

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Buy yourself flowers.

Don’t wait for your birthday, an S.O, or a Valentine’s Day cliché to come around. The other day, a friend gifted me some beautiful Tulips when she came over for dinner, and I smile every time I look at them. I’m gonna get more once these one wilt. Just for me!

  1. Take a day off midweek for no reason.

I’m actually writing this half reclining on my bed! No friends. No emails. Just me and my words. Because I’m worth it, and so are you. What will you do—visit a museum? Hit up a movie or a mall? The options are endless and during the week, everything is way quieter too!

  1. Hug yourself.

This sounds weird—I get it. But when a friend of mine recently quit a job he hated, he was riding in that corporate elevator for the last time, and he put his arms around his shoulders and said, “Good move Ali” It’s a nicer, self-applied version of a pat on the back.

Just do it! You deserve your own love just as much as anyone in your family does.

What can you do to give yourself a little love today? Because you…yes… You! Matter


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