The Rozas are long and the heat is terrible. In Pakistan we have been facing tough hot Ramadan since a couple
years now.
Today I am sharing a simple nutrition trick & Iftar Tip that has been running in my family for generations and that we all
practice especially when Ramadan falls in summer.
It’s almost impossible not be feeling exhausted and drained in Ramadan when the heat is in the forties and the
fasting is 10 hours plus. So use this little Totka as we call it is Pakistan to stay energized for the entire day.
Have a Mango at Sehri. A full Mango. You can have it in the form of a shake or the form of Mango Lassi or just eat
it as is. But having one full mango alongside of whatever you are having for Sehri will keep you energized throughout
the day to help you get through work or household duties or to keep up with young children. It’s a tested and tried
thing that has been handed down to us and we all fastidiously practice it.
Give it a shot and then do let us know what you think and how your roza went!
Search Keywords:
Lifestyle | Ramblings | LifeHacks | HowToNotFeelDrainedInRamadan | Ramadan | Ramadan_2018 | Iftar | IftarTips | Pakistan | Karachi | NutritionTrick | Sehri | MangoLassi
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