How to feel less sleepy at work!
We have all been through this particular one before. It’s the middle of the day and the previous night we hardly got
any Zzzzzzzs and are now walking zombies who can’t unglue their eyelids!
Well hello Lady Science! Don’t we just love you when you tell us something doable for a change J
It seems that we all carry a clock inside of us that regulates our sleeping and waking cycles and it is pretty much
associated with sunlight.
So some latest researches show that if you are exhausted due to lack of sleep and can’t keep your eyes open move out
to direct sunlight for about 10 minutes and the body will wake its self up.
Of course the research was a lot more than this and not very easy reading (gulp) but this was one take away I loved
and can’t wait to try this out the next time!
Ummm… for all you habitual sleep deprived people out there let me clearly state it only works as an odd case and not
as an everyday solution so put aside your phone and catch you beauty sleep!
Searching Keywords:
HowToStayAwakeAtWork | LadyScience | BeautySleep LackOfSleep | LifeHacks
Nice Article. Totally loved it. worth reading
Thank you!