
How to De-Stress Yourself in 4 Easy Steps!

How to stop feeling Sorry for yourself in 4 Easy Steps!

Most of us have gone through a phase where we feel stressed, burnt out or just plan depressed! I’ve chalked out a few things that contribute to our general state of negative mindset and how to take immediate steps to rectify them resulting in a better you. Read on!


Social media circus is killing when we talk about our self esteem!

We end up looking at this great life everyone else is leading that generally leads us to making comparisons! That needs to stop ASAP if you want to start feeling better about yourself!

Pro tip on how to do that?


The best way to do this is to make a list of how far you have come in the last 12 months, to the day you make the list.

On this day last year, what didn’t you know or have or had yet to become? Let your progress astound you. Basically, focus on your own self!


Why does everyone seem to be tired all of the time? This is a crucial factor in making us feel stressed and dissatisfied!

Pro tip?

Go to bed earlier!

Take a bath!

Read! Unwind!

Listen to nature sounds at night on Google versus stalking people on Snapchat or Instagram.


Guilt is a killer. It’s also proof that you’re living in the past. Guilt is an unhealthy, unconstructive, and totally unnecessary emotion. You’re probably giving it way too much mental space when you don’t have to

Pro tip?

Make a list of all things that make you guilty

Overeating? No worries give yourself cheat days. Not only will you indulge but you will have something to look forward to also! Only make it doable in the beginning and work on getting better.

Not spending enough time with family/friends? Pick up the phone and make a date to do so immediately

Not working out? Organize your day and force yourself to go out there and exercise!


I love a good cleanup! Unclutter your life! Not only is cleaning out your clutter a form of de-stressing but the ensuing organization around you makes life so much simpler. Throw out everything you are never going to use or wear now!

The takeaway is that unhealthy habits remain and fester as long as we don’t shine a light on them. So if you decide to clean your home from top to bottom don’t forget to clear out the junk in your head too.


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