
Pre Prep Eid!

Pre Prep Eid!

Pre Prep Eid!


When we talk about Eid ul Azha or the namkeen Eid all we think is the long labour involved. From the ritual

of  pre eid prepsacrifice to the actual disbursement of the meat.

From the sending it to all the lists of people to getting

lunch and dinner ready with the same meat in time and

deliciously. Not to miss out on the fact that we want

to look nice also and we need to get everything

ready for the guests at home.

It’s a huge task. Enjoyable yet intimidating.

Being an extraordinarily organized person I have always

ensured that I start prepping for every upcoming

challenge well in time. I am the butt of quite a few jokes in my home thanks to my habits I can assure you!

However being a single mom and the eldest sibling (read held responsible under duress) and with an extremely

demanding work schedule I always take time out to make lists, chalk out my daily, weekly tasks

and schedule my day jobs well in advance. To that end I never shirk away from pestering everyone else around me if

my work involves their output. If I need some lists from my mom because I need to shop or make

relevant arrangements I pester way ahead of time till she doesn’t give me the information required to make things

easy for me.


So Eid is around the corner and unlike everyone else’s 3 days off off work I only have one day to myself

before its back to work! And I’m responsible for taking care of all the meat of our combined sacrificial animals and

cooking for the family on Eid day. So my preps are almost done. I’m writing this post for everyone else out there who

could use a little help to organize themselves this Eid and make it a day that holds enjoyment along with the

ritual work


Make a Master Task List:

This is the most important point. Make a task list of everything that you are responsible for during the Eid days.

Be it buying clothes for the household staff or cooking lunch or dinner or taking care of the distribution of meat.

Make a master list of everything that you need to do.


Highlight your Partner Ships

After all we are blessed Pakistanis. We usually live in a joint family system and so often share our tasks with

other members of the family. Highlight the tasks which will have you collaborating with someone.

For example are you the only person responsible for the distribution of the meat or are you just responsible for

the allocation? Is someone from your household cooking with you or shopping on behalf of the family.

Whatever it might be identify your partners and chalk out your modus operendi with them in advance.

Don’t be intimidated by any jokes on your expense or any laziness, kick everyone into action so you don’t suffer

at the last minute and organize the partnership tasks.



Make Minute Task Lists

Once you have your chore list ready and you know which half of your partner ships you are responsible for then start

chalking out your minute task lists. For example if you are cooking write down every ingredient required and

go over all the list personally in your kitchen. Is everything available or do you need to shop?

Are the available ingredients enough or will they be consumed beforehand?

Do you need to make the lists allocating who gets how much meat or does your mom do it?

Get your lists together and pin them up identifying what needs to be bought or done


Make a “To Do” list  eid pre plans

Make a list of things you need to do. Whether it’s going shopping

or getting the lists or clearing your freezer in

advance to make space for the upcoming meat storage or

just plain picking up your eid suit from the tailor.

Make lists!

Once done allocate dates to those tasks and do them on the days

assigned. I carry a diary in my hand bag with

everyday tasks chalked out and I know what to buy when I go to pick

up my daughter and which day to drop my

laundry and pick up the groceries. It’s a great way to make your life less stress free.


A day to Chillax

Ideally you should finish off all preps at least a day before Eid. Have your self organized with all tasks done and

all jobs managed. That will give you one day to enjoy before the big day for mehndi or a trip to the beauty shop or

just to enjoy and relax before the big day hits and pssst… to do anything quietly that you might have

forgotten without the rest of the clan finding out and annihilating you!


So get up and get going! Pre prep this Eid and enjoy the occasion to the max

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  • Reply Top 5 Eid Tips! | TVINKAL June 14, 2018 at 8:02 PM

    […] If you are looking for some tips on how to organize yourself this Eid than you need to read this! […]

  • Reply Sheryar Khan September 3, 2017 at 8:10 AM

    Another fantastic writing from a gifted blogger !

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