
Prepare for Ramadan Mubarak Ladies!

Yeap we know it’s the holy month of Ramadan just around the corner and the ladies of the house are in a tizzy as

Ma Sha Allah there is a lot that needs to be done in a house hold of people who all fast. From Sehar to Iftar a house

wife or even a Working Woman is hard put to meet the daily demands on her.

So for my readers today who whether are stay at home ladies or working I’ve compiled a list of things they need to

do around the house for managing their households more efficiently during Ramadan Kareem.


  • Clean out your House.

From your closets to your pantry to the shelves in your kitchen, do a thorough cleaning.

Because you see a mess will always take time for you to finish doing whatever you are hard pressed to finish off

urgently so Clean Up!

  • Make your Kitchen Efficient

Throw out all the old herbs and spices clogging your kitchen shelves for better management and easier access.

While you are at it wash all the containers and refill all the spices etc. in your kitchen.

Clear out the cookware that you seldom or rarely use and keep cooking utensils that you use all the time within easy


  • Deep clean your Micro, Freezer and Refrigerator

Girls this is a no brainer. If you don’t want Refrigerator and yur deep freezer. Cleaning youryour freezer or your

fridge choked during Ramadan when kitchen is clogged with the extra Iftaar prep and food please clean out your

micro and then just wiping it down every second day that barely taken 1 to 2 minutes will save you time and much

energy while you are fasting.

  • Stock up

Of course! Get your poultry and your meat and your sea food and your spices and any cooking aides like

biryani/pakora Masala you might use and veggies at least for the first week and stock your fridge freezer and pantry

to avoid unnecessary trips to the market during Ramadan when you are exhausted and drained anyway.

  • Freeze some Extra Food

Now this is what all smart cookies do. Cook some extra dishes that can be frozen like Haleem or Meatballs or even

Chicken Curry as these can be thawed and reheated without damaging the taste! Keep at least 5 to 7 dishes frozen as

a backup for the days when you are too drained to cook or when a guest pops in and you need a quick dish to

supplement the food on the table.

  • Chop and freeze Veggies

If your lids love Chinese rice or noodles or if you re big on soup in Ramadan like me then chop up veggies and freeze.

This is hyper convenient as all you need to do is take out your veggies, stir, mix and most dishes are cooked ASAP.

Cutting down on prep time in Ramadans essential. I actually freeze lemon Juice for Iftaar lemonades in cubes and

also mango slices and bananas or Strawberries for milk shakes in Seher.

  • Menu List

If your family has raging taste buds like my family and everyone has a different demand then sit down and make

your menu. Easiest thing is to make a ten day menu that includes everyone’s fav snacks and items and then can be

repeated thrice over. This way there will be no complaints and no last minute changes for you! Better is to stick a

copy on the Kitchen so the family will know what’s cooking and not pester you!


And most important of all Relax! Get your Ramadan Chores done at least 3 days before Ramadan starts and take a

breather to prepare yourself going in without being exhausted.

I hope the above list help! Write to me for further additions!


Searfch Keywords:

Lifestyle | Ramblings | LifeHacks | LadiesPrepareForRamadan | Ramadan | Ramadan_2018 | Iftar | Sehri | RamadanPreparation | RamadanTips

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