
Top 5 Eid Tips!

Top 5 Eid Tipss!

Hello all you beautiful ladies!

Its’ finally Eid so I decided to put the best Desi Recipes, Beauty Tips and Organizational points together for all of you to be able to get some help for Eid. So scroll down below and rock Eid like the sensational women you are

If you are looking for some tips on how to organize yourself this Eid than you need to read this article:

Pre Prep Eid

If you need inspiration to replace cola on your Eid Party well than I have all-natural cool drinks to accompany your food which are great options. So you can decide between refreshing lassi, a cool lemonade or an impressive Watermelon Juice

If you need to add a little aplomb to the dining table than add a homemade natural yogurt or a great dip for the fried items

And of course if you spend a major chunk of Eid in the Kitchen than you must know how to keep your makeup fresh!

And while we are at it a really juicy sweet fruit yogurt to add to the heavier traditional desserts is great! Choose between Strawberry or Cherry!

So ladies have a great Eid and send in your emails like you always do!


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