
How not to break your NewYear Resolutions!

How not to break your NewYear Resolutions

Another New Year Alhamdulillah and another list of Resolutionsnewyear2

Some like to write them down and some just make metal notes while others just give have vague thoughts of what they might want to achieve. But whatever the resolution mode might be one thing is very clear…

Enter the second week of the New Year with the party season wrapping up and real life usurping pretty much everything and all your resolutions are pretty much on the endangered list!

The challenge is not to plan what changes you want to bring about in your life in the New Year.

The challenge is to stick to them. And unlike the general perception that you lose your resolve later in the year, the actual truth is that your resolutions are in danger of being broken pretty early.

Why is that? Because we tell ourselves that the first few steps that we need to take to initiate the beginning of change aren’t important… We can falter in the beginning… We just need to go on long term…

Incorrect! What we need to do is leave our comfort zone or security blanket the first few times. Remember it is only the first few steps that are hard. After that the going gets easy.

So when your mind tells you it’s ok to have that unhealthy snack because you have been sticking to your resolution to the past one week and its ok to just have it today… firmly change course.

Do not slip back into the old pattern and remind yourself that deviating even once from your chartered course will wreck your resolution.

And remember by the time April rolls around and if you have stuck to your resolutions 99% of the time you are in a relatively safe place. Because by that time your heart and mind has accepted the new boundaries and will soon make that your new comfort zone.

Only one piece of advice. Don’t have a list of 2 dozen changes you want to make to yourself or your life as a resolution. Begin with just a few lifestyle changes and a couple of personality changes and just a couple of business/relationship goals.

Give yourself the space and time to evolve and all future resolutions will become easy.

Best of luck with your resolves for this year!


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  • Reply Rania January 10, 2018 at 7:50 PM

    yeh tou acha idea hai

    • Reply tvinkal January 12, 2018 at 9:56 AM

      Yes Rania I am following the same strategy!

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