

Life is good when good things happen to us!

Life is great when the not so good things happen to us!!!

Before you wonder what kind of post you are reading allow me to explain….


We have all been reared to offer Gratitude. Almost all of us say “Jou Allah ke Marzee” & “Jou Allah ko Manzoor” literally on auto!


And we aren’t the only ones. We all say these phrases almost as set protocols.

Let me help you rewire your thinking a little.

Close your eyes and think of something bad that happened to you over the last few years. Could be losing a Job or having a breakup or even having fallen very ill. Now bring to mind your terror of the future when the said event happened to you. Now slowly live out the future after the chosen event.

I’m quite convinced that whatever happened in your life that had a terrible outcome attached to it in your mind worked out to quite your advantage.

Yes it’s a cliché that whatever happens, happens for a reason. But if you would take just 10 minutes out of your day and think of every time that this cliché came true for you, I can assure you this won’t be a cliché for you anymore.

So next time something happens to you that’s even a little unpleasant, ask yourself what the universe is wanting from you or has in store for you. Believe me your excitement for an adventure will draw one to you!




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