What should I gift my Mom on Mother’s Day?

Mothers Day is around the corner and yeah a lot of us are thinking of what to give to our moms.

I say this often and I will say it again.

Write a letter to your Mom. Pour your heart out to her and let her know you love her.

Understand her and cherish her. Let her know you remember how she handled your tantrums and your demands.

When you write down what’s in your heart it’s most effective. So this year make sure you write a letter to her.

And now another Question! What should we buy her?!

Please don’t buy her what she needs…. Please!

Buy her that what she has always wanted but never bought for herself!

Oh she might think it’s just a silly temptation or a beautiful color she can’t carry or a bauble she admires but knows

she will not use as it’s not practical. This is your test of how much attention you are paying to her also.

How much do you know of what she wants too? So give it a thought and identify something no matter how

small it is and get it for her. See her face light up with delight. Mamas need encouragement too you know.

Maybe she wants to take a certain course and never has because of her household commitments.

Get her enrolled and ensure you see her through it by helping her get there and back and helping her cover up on

missed work in her life.

Maybe she loves scarlet lipstick or clothes but has never worn either because she is insecure of being able to carry it.

Get it for her and ask her to rock it for you.

Maybe all she needs is an uninterrupted day with her siblings! Arrange that for her and take care of all her duties and

chores for that day!

Or maybe just a day at the mall with her family around her demanding her time attention and funds! Whatever you

think she will really really enjoy!

Cook dinner for her or take her out. It’s entirely your call but do make an effort to make the evening special for her.

It’s the least you can do after all the years she has put in making you feel special with her love and attention.

And before you think it

No… just No!

This isn’t an anti Islamic day! Islam wants you to love, cherish and obey her! You are just taking a day to ensure you

let her know how much you love her!

It isn’t a western effort to destroy your culture by asking you to take a special day to ensure your mom knows you

love her. We can’t be destroyed that way. Remember what your religion says about your mom’s?

Just because your family has never done so before and even if your mom says she isn’t interested believe me she will

be interested when you make it a day worth remembering for her!

So shed all your silly excuses. Sit down and think of what your mom would really appreciate getting this

Mother’s Day from you and don’t forget cooking her a meal and writing her a letter.

Remember she will not always be here….

Ask a friend who has lost their mom and you will truly understand the significance of her in your life!


Search Keywords:

MothersDay | GiftToMom | MomReflection | Parenting

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