What Do We Really Want from the Opposite Sex?

A man wants most the great love of his life. Its evolution really. His rib got taken out to create Eve after all. He just wants to fill that hole in his heart and if he finds that love he will give up a crown for her.


A woman wants to be loved and adored. Sheltered probably. Must be the fact that she just wants to go and fill that hole in Adams heart which is her place of origin.

Then why are men and women always so unsuccessful at finding and keeping love?

Evolution is the best answer. She finds the man and she nurtures him forgetting that he is looking for a challenge so when he fills his being with her he can give himself a pat on the shoulder and tell himself what a great job he did and after such a hardship he found her. He doesn’t really want a mom who falls in his lap.

Her on the other hand even though looking to be nurtured and loved will do the opposite. She’s a woman first so she will always be a mother and hence will put him first which in turn will have the opposite effect. And so men and women pass through life with reasonably good partners but always questioning the odds of the chances they lost and longing for their soul mate but when they come along damned if they know what to do!


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