
Fish Pie

Fish Pie


Today I am sharing a recipe which has been a favorite of my family for the longest time and has been passed down to

me by my mom.

It’s basically a fish casserole which can be pre prepped and left in the fridge for up to 24 hours making it the ideal

choice for when you are entertaining and don’t want to leave everything for the last minute. A fresh leafy salad goes

ideally with this recipe so read on.



3 cups of white sauce (you can find the recipe here)

3 cups of boiled and boned fish (your choice. Pegasus works well as it has a light flavor. However if you are a

hardcore fish fan go for red snapper as it has a much stronger flavor)

Salt and pepper to taste

Cheddar cheese 1 cup

Half boiled potato wedges

Black mushrooms boiled and diced ½ cup

Onion rings and tomatoes/bell pepper for garnishing



Prepare your white sauce and spice with salt and pepper to taste keeping it a little strong as fish and potatoes will be

added. However be cautious with the seasoning as you don’t want to overpower the dish and keep in mind the kind

of fish being used and if it is strong in flavor.

Half boil potato wedges keeping in mind that they will be baked in the oven later for 25 to 30 minutes.

Line your oven safe dish with potato wedges and add half the cheese to it. Add a layer of mushrooms and then pour

half the white sauce on top evenly. Next layer the white sauce with all of the fish and then pour the remaining white

sauce on it. Garnish with the left over cheese and onion rings and thickly chopped or ringed tomatoes.

Bake on medium heat for 25 to 35 minutes or until sizzling hot with a golden brown crust. Serve directly from the



fish pie 2

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