
Cocaine Godmother

Cocain Grandmother.indd


Last night I saw Cocaine Godmother starring the gorgeous

Catherine Zeta-Jones which was essentially made as a movie to

be premiered on TV Based on the true life story of the black widow

better known as La Motherina of the Miami drug cartel, the movie

is an account starting from her childhood till the very end.


What to say about the movie and what to say about the role? The actual La Motherina, Griselda Blanco, was a

legendry drug warlord who dominated the Miami drug cartel from the 80s to the 2000s and was so ruthless that

fear of her brutality was famed even amongst the fierce Columbian underworld gangsters of her time!


cocaine godmother 2

Her life which saw the end of three of her four sons

and three husbands is what the movie has

endeavored to portray.  The genius of Zeta-Jones

portrayal lies in her honesty. She hasn’t tried to

judge her character by portraying her as a victim of

her circumstances or as a monster either.

She has played out the entire movie with a grit that

leaves you to form your own opinion.

For avid movie goers this is a must watch. I’ve notched it up as one of the best I’ve ever seen.


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  • Reply Zarrar Khan February 6, 2018 at 8:27 PM

    Very well written. Movie was awesome

    • Reply tvinkal February 12, 2018 at 5:37 PM

      Thank you Zarrar! It was your recommendation! 🙂

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