Drum Rolls!
The much awaited Dwayne movie is out!
What is it all about you ask?
Nothing Actually.
It’s lame…
It’s foolish…
It has the story-line of an 80’s flick…
It has the emotional sophistication of
a seven year old…
It’s anything but a grand finale to the
year unfortunately.
The locations are breath taking….
It has some weird but very funny
relatable moments…
The adults behaving like teens are
The acting is flawless…
And it makes you leave the cinema repeating like a parrot
Welcome to Jumanji!!!
Jumanji needs you!
I enjoyed the sheer scale of foolishness afoot! And frankly like I would say about a Hindi flick go in
not expecting a masterpiece… just some lighthearted time pass kinda movie.
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bakwas film
Which one was your fav this year?