Aquaman A Review

Aquaman A Review

And here is a Super Hero Movie to beat all Super Hero Movies!

I’m a fan of Superman more than Batman because c’mon Superman is a Super Hero!

And Aquaman is as Super a Hero as they get!!!!

Not to mention that Jason Mamoa makes the entire experience doubly pleasant! I mean Im not even going to start about him because then this review will be all about him and his glorious good looks….

So coming back to the point…

It’s a foundation building movie that takes us back to the every origin of Aquaman and the beginnings of the legend that he becomes by the end of the movie. A plot that twists and takes new shapes and graphics and visuals that are at par with the dream like quality of Avatar…

Surreal is probably the best word to describe it. Aquaman is a full package!

It’s as close to a perfect Super Hero Movie as it gets with all predictions pointing to this movie crossing the Billion Dollar Mark too!


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