
Fanney Khan: A Movie Review

Fanney Khan: A Movie Review

How can anyone miss a movie that has Aishwarya Rai Bachan and Anil Kapoor as leads?

Not me at least and so this movie buff made a beeline to catch a late night show of the flick.

What a superb waste of time….

No songs worth mentioning. Ash looked beyond tired and the complexities of Fanney Khan’s (Anil Kapoor’s) role was not fully explored as it should have been even though a remarkable amount of screen time was given over to him. The screen play had holes the size of Alaska in it and the main topic which was the backbone of the movie i.e. Body Shaming was lost somewhere only to make a very lackluster appearance at the very end.

All in all a total waste of time and money. The first 15 minutes of the movie where Anil makes an appearance are the only entertaining minutes of this fiasco.

Please do not see it!


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