
The Kite Runner A Book Review

The Kite Runner

This little novel had been sitting on my book shelf for close to two years. Since it was a gift from my brother and was highly recommended I was waiting for the perfect time to read it. I know his choice in books as we have been partners in our love for books and movies since childhood and knew the book will be serious and maybe quite dark.

I picked it up yesterday and as anticipated read through the night not putting it down for even a minute.

It strikes a chord because the protagonist is an Afghan boy and his flight from Kabul after the Russian Invasion and his social and moral background are so relatable for a Pakistani like myself.

To say the book is a piece of art will be an understatement. I often think that the most beautiful prose is that which is simple but creates an unforgettable imagery and that is just what The Kite Runner achieves.

It’s the first novel from Khaled Hosseini and was on the New York Times Bestseller list for two whole years selling more than seven million copies worldwide.

What shapes us as adults are our fears and choices when we were younger and that’s what this book is all about. A beautiful, poignant, sad, brave little book that aims at nothing but good old fashioned story telling!

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