
The Top 5 Movies Ever in Pakistan!

The Top 5 Movies Ever In Pakistan | Ramblings

Top 5 Movies Ever in Pakistan

It’s a long way that we have come from the days when there was no such thing as Pakistani Cinema. Sure my Mom and Dad and all my Aunts and Uncles have fond memories of the time when they used to go watch Pakistani Movies and the likes of Waheed Murad, Rani, Nadeem and Barbra Sharif ruled Lollywood.

And then there was our generation that had no exposure to Pakistani Cinema. As a matter of fact growing up going to watch a movie was hardly an option as the Cinemas were in a state of disrepair and was generally avoided as a form of Entertainment. I can count the movies I saw growing up on the fingers of both my hands and they were all Hollywood except the iconic “churrian”

And then Khuda K Liyay happened and then Waar and it was like the floodgates of Lollywood opened with an outpouring of movies. Some good and some not good of course but in the last few years the bar for Pakistani Movie Industry has been raised so high that I hardly even go to see an Indian Movie.

Below I’ve compiled a list of best Pakistani movies that I believe have been benchmarks for Lollywood in the last three years

Number 5: Verna

The number five movie on our list is Verna. Even though it’s a Mahira Khan starrer and there were a lot of expectations attached to this movie because of Shoaib Mansoor but there were holes the size of Antarctica in this movie. However Pakistan desperately needed to address the dilemma of Rape Victims and the consequential trauma of the Victim and their Family so if nothing else Verna serve to break the ice on this regards.



Number 4: Motor Cycle Girl

Motor Cycle Girl is a movie that every Pakistani Girl and her Brother need to watch! A true life narrative that was so beautifully but simply crafted that it takes your breath away. It challenges the norms and establishes the here and now at the same time showcasing some brilliant performances by all its cast. An absolutely stunning visual travelogue of Pakistan makes Motor Cycle Girl even more endearing!



Number 3: Load Wedding

Load Wedding was a flawless example of a low budget, big starrer simply narrated and excellently crafted film. Even though it had big competition upon its release but even then it did extremely well and came out on top of every critics list. Load Wedding is a movie which had quite the Social message attached to it but was so well written that the ending message was just the culmination of the entire reel. An awesome, funny small little story with an honesty that cuts to the bone.



Number 2: Teefa In Trouble

Now this has to be absolutely the best comedy Movie that Pakistan has yet to produce! I know quite a few fans of the JPNA movies will disagree but Teefa in Trouble was spontaneous, well timed and a perfect comedic adventure that was larger than life when required and true to life when required too. You cant say enough about the locations and sound track of Teefa in Trouble. Definitely one of the best we have seen so far.



Number 1: Cake

Without doubt this will go to Cake. Humble without aspiring to be pretentious this family drama is so close to real life that no matter what a hard core tragedy watcher you might be this movie will still resonate within you and make you shed some tears. It’s all about the struggle between our heritage combined with foreign influence which is the cross roads we all find ourselves onto sooner or later in life. Wonderfully executed Cake deserves the Oscar for which it has been nominated.


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