
The Spy on Netflix!

The Spy

We keep saying Netflix and chill don’t we?

Let’s talk Netflix blowing you away. I had the opportunity to watch The Spy on Netflix recently which is based on the life of Israel’s top Mossad spy Eli Cohen, who is portrayed by Sacha Baron Cohen.

It’s a miniseries with six episodes roughly 50 minutes each and is all the more interesting because it is based on true life events.

The series is all about Eli Cohen and his induction into Mossad and his subsequent infiltration into the highest political circles of Syria.

His journey has been portrayed in a fast paced yet extremely empathetic manner with POVs of his wife and his Mossad Handlers too.

Sacha Noam Baron Cohen who is an English actor, comedian, screenwriter, director, and film producer of immense renown seems to have been tailor made for this role and delivers an excellent chameleon like performance.

I binge watched it in one go and is an excellent way to spend a Friday or Saturday night in!


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