We have been seeing a lot of food festivals coming up all over Pakistan and we as a Nation seem to be enjoying this new past time. However we have never stopped to ask ourselves exactly what the consequences of such mass outings might be on the environment.
But now there is another kind of festival taking place in town. The extremely responsible kind. WWF-Pakistan is organizing Pakistan’s first ever first environmental-friendly Food Festival in Karachi.
The festival which is called ReFest aims to reduce food waste and raise awareness about eating food in a responsible way as well as adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives such as reduced use of single-use plastics! That sounds good doesn’t it?!
Now not only are we getting Hundreds of food stall with extremely good live music (scroll down for Musician Lineup) and enjoying the festival but we are also taking away valuable information that can help us spread awareness about the cause and enjoy the festivals responsibly.
Just a quick public service message WWF has specially imported eco-friendly cutlery from China which will be used in the festival so that there is no more wastage. To us at Team Tvinkal all of this sounds like a great initiative with loads of fun also.
This 3 day festival will be open for general public at Beach View Park, Clifton from Friday, 5 April to Sunday 7 April, 4 pm to 11 pm and the tickets can be bought from the link below and also upon entrance.
We are super excited and all geared up for this fest and are actually super impressed that someone is taking our responsibility to the Planet seriously. Well done WWF!
Buy your tickets here
See you all there!
Nice Article. Totally loved it. worth reading