
Tvinkal The Blog

Tvinkal was an idea that was seeded in the mind of our Muse and CEO Jahanara because of a

dearth of good reading material pertaining to Pakistanis. An avid reader herself, she felt that

most of the Pakistani Blogs were all about either sensationalism or were so deeply monetized that

all they offered were advertisements or endorsements of different brands.

There isn’t a single Pakistani Lifestyle Blog that talks about the real life interests of Pakistanis

especially the women. Be it Fashion, Trends, Street Style, Cooking, Shopping,

Upcoming Events, Movie Review or a take on the International Scene, we just never get to read a

Pakistanis Perspective.

And that is how Tvinkal came about. The first and only Pakistani Lifestyle Blog that caters

to tastes and interests across the Board, Tvinkal has more than 100,000 readers following the Blog.

With a team of five Tvinkal is now a platform that wields influence across a large range of diverse

followers and is now the Number One Life Style Blog of Pakistan.

“What Pakistan needs is more of an anchoring with our own roots” says our muse.

“We want to know what makeup looks good on our skin and in our sunlight.

We want to know which recipes are in sync with our taste buds and which brands and movies are

worth watching without being influenced by “Paid Blog Posts”

She further adds that “It is essential we carve out our own sense of Style and an Ethos that is all

Pakistani and not influenced by major neighboring or International players”

She believes that Pakistanis are at par in Taste and Style with everyone else around the world and

that they just need to have their presence felt. And that is the path that we at Tvinkal pursue.

We are open to discussions and suggestions and our readers can write to our Team at

info@tvinkal.com at any given time.


Search Keywords:

Tvinkal | Jahanara | PakistaniWomen | Fashion | Trends | StreetStyle | Cooking | Shopping | UpcomingEvents | MovieReview | Movies | HollywoodMovies | BollywoodMovies | PakistaniMovies | DesiMovies | Reviews | IndianMovies | InternationalMovies | Review | InternationalScene | Lifestyle | LifestyleBlog | PakistaniLifestyleBlog | PakistaniBlog | Blogger | FashionBlogger | FoodBlogger | PakistaniFoodBlogger | GuestBlogger | LifestyleBlogger | PakistaniBlogger | PakistaniFemaleBlogger | FemaleBlogger | PakistaniStyleBlogger | TeamTvinkal | StreetStyle | PakistaniStreetStyle | AboutTeamTvinkal | BusinessInquiries | Blog | TheBlog

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1 Comment

  • Reply Zain shsh April 18, 2019 at 8:08 AM

    Hi, tvinkal you are very beautiful.

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    Do you like Desi? Pakistani? And do you want everything of yours to contain a dose of the local? Look no further than Tvinkal! We are the Number One Top & Super Lifestyle Blog for all things Desi be it Fashion, Beauty, Cooking, Movie Reviews, Travel or just our Desi take on everything International! Enjoy our Style Diaries, find out what’s new on the Social Scene, Current Affairs, hear our take on the latest movies, Browse for Pakistani Street Styles or just get a dose of some Granny Totkas! It’s all here at Tvinkal!